Jun 10, 2009

Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour
is one of the few people that never need to be introduced since every fashion freak knows her, i saw her recent interview on 60 minutes and i thought that you should do to. many would give up so many just to work for someone like her or Anna herself just like me, shes very powerful and she has the 'EYE' of fashion, shes a fashion school ! you cant miss this interview,

Anna Wintour 60minutes interview


AMmor said...

Ohh thanx I wanted to see that interview men zaman =)

I could never work for her, although it would be an honor, but I'll be too intimidated by her...

M O Z A said...

hahahaha at least ull learn something at the end,

- F said...

I'd rather start something on my own, I don't like to fear someone, I like to be feared. hahaha

Zubaida Jacob said...

I know she's a legendary fashion leader, but here's the thing: I NEVER got whyyyyyyyyyyyyy she dresses so badly. It's a mystery really.

mosha said...

i can't wait to see "The september issue"