You'll need:
1/2 Ripe Avocado (add the other half in a blender with milk and sugar for a healthy juice)
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Yogurt
1. Mash the Avocado with a fork
2. Mix in the yogurt and honey
3. Spread it all over your face(except your eyes) and relax for 15 minutes
the most important element of avocado is that it is a good source of potassium, which is known as the youth mineral, so whether you are eating avocados or making a face mask, they can help your skin maintain its healthy and beautiful glow.Yogurt also contains lactic acid, which soothes and softens the skin while tightening wrinkles and refining pores.
Dont like avocado but i heard about its benefits for the skin so i guess i will stop being lazy and make ur mask...
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