Jul 15, 2010

Its Not Just Another Product

if you think that i'm introducing something new, then i'm not. Its not all about whats in the box, its about the box itself. How many times did you bought a piece of candy, or an eyeshadow case just for its packaging? exactly!, packaging sometimes intrigues me more than the product itself, and unfortunately the best packaging comes on wine bottles, yet the best packaging i've seen was in japan,everything is well packaged even individual apples and chewing gum, NEATness

& better yet, i've gathered around my favorite picks,

Olivier & Co.
Vintage looking chocolate packaging for Olive & Sinclair Chocolate
Simple bi-colored packaging for Munio home products
wood and black with straight forward pictures by John Larigakis
by Fuego
It reminds me of bed sheets just feel like huging it by Voice
A Fall pallet packaging for BUTA'I
Surprisingly its honey packaging for Babees
Dont you envy that dog? by Michael Osborne

Is there any packaging you passed by and cant forget how hideous it is?



Viva La Fashion said...

haha. you're right. i love packaging. :)

:) said...

great blog! love it


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